
Homemade Corn Dogs and Corn Dog Muffins

A few weeks ago, Josette asked if anyone had a healthier, homemade corn dog recipe. Yippee! A recipe challenge. I love me a recipe challenge.

And – all my healthy eating talk aside – I love me a good hot dog. Oh, how I wish I didn’t. The icky ones that are made from 14 different kinds of animal leftovers? I don’t love me that kind of hot dog. A big juicy beef hot dog? I could eatthree. (Not that I do of course…)

I’ve found some hot dogs from Azure Standard made by Shelton that are pretty good. They are made with chicken, don’t have any preservatives, etc. If you have access to those, give them a try. We like them just fine.

And – hot dog on a stick with yummy cornbread fried all around it? Hello. I am my kids’ favorite mom on days I make these.

  • 10 hot dogs
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • ⅔ cup cornmeal
  • 2 T. honey
  • 1½ t. baking powder
  • ½ t. dry mustard
  • 1 egg
  • ¾ cup milk
  • 2 T. oil
  • Oil for frying (I use Palm Shortening)
  • 10 lollipop sticks
  • Whisk together all ingredients (okay, except for the hot dogs of course...and the oil for frying...and the lollipop sticks).
  • Place one hot dog on each stick. (I find lollipop sticks in the cake decorating section at Walmart.)
  • For frying the corn dogs...you can immerse them in hot oil if you have a Fry Daddy or something similar. I don't have one, plus I'd rather not use that much oil. Here's what I do:
  • Heat a small amount of oil in your electric skillet.
  • Holding onto the stick "roll" the hot dog around in the cornmeal batter to coat.
  • Read more please visit : heavenlyhomemakers.com

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