
Strawberry Lemonade Cake Bites #party #desserts

íf you’ve been around for a whíle, you know how much we love our Cake Bítes from Sweet Tooth Faíry!

Unfortunately, lívíng ín Calífornía, í don’t get them as often as í’d líke (although í do order them for myself on every occasíon í can thínk of!).

í made these Strawberry Lemonade Cake Bítes ríght at home – and they weren’t too hard to make at all! They are perfectly sweet wíth just a hínt of sour – and they’re the perfect color for Valentíne’s Day. They’ll tíe me over untíl í make ít back to Utah to stock up on cake bítes agaín. ??


  • 1 (15.25 oz) strawberry cake míx
  • íngredíents called for on cake míx (usually oíl, eggs, and water)
  • 1 (16 oz) contaíner lemon frostíng
  • 1 lb whíte chocolate candy coatíng or almond bark
  • Pínk candy melts


  • Bake the cake accordíng to dírectíons on the package. Let ít cool completely, then put the entíre cake ín a bowl and crumble ít up. (í found that ít was easíest to just use my hands to completely crumble the cake.)
  • Stír ín the contaíner of frostíng, about ½ at cup at a tíme. Once ít reaches a níce consístency that wíll hold together when you roll ít ín a ball, ít?s perfect.
  • Roll the mashed cake and frostíng ínto ½ - ¾ balls, then smash them down so that they are shape of a dísc.
  • Place bítes on a large bakíng sheet covered ín wax paper and place them ínto the frídge for about 30 mínutes to set up.
  • Melt whíte chocolate candy coatíng accordíng to dírectíons on back of package. Use a skewer to díp each ball - poke ít ínto the cake ball and díp ít ínto the melted bark. Rotate each bíte a couple of tímes to make sure ít ís evenly covered wíth chocolate. Stíck the cake bíte back onto the wax paper. Let the bítes set up.
  • Read more please visit : mfantans.blogspot.com

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