

I have worked day and night for you sweet friends, in hopes to bring you a mighty good tasting vegan white chocolate mousse. This was no easy feat. May I share with you the agony this has caused me? Too bad, I’m going to anyway. First I thought maybe cashews would be a good base since I have a Raw Chocolate Mousse Cake that is decadent and delicious and oh-so-very mousse-like. So I soaked my nuts (looking left to right, snickering), threw in some coconut oil, bladda dee, bladda dah. More like plain ol’ blah. It tasted cashew-y; not the flavor I was going for. I threw some cocoa powder in there to salvage it and now have an amazing chocolate mousse waiting to be had.


  • 1 can pure coconut cream, chilled overnight in the fridge
  • 4 Tbsp. melted nondairy white chocolate, cooled
  • 3 Tbsp. powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract


  1. In a large bowl carefully remove the contents from the can with a spoon, leaving out the liquid on the bottom (there shouldn’t be a lot with coconut cream). With an electric mixer, begin to whip up on medium speed.
  2. Add the remainder of the ingredients and whip up for another 2-3 minutes until light and fluffy.
  3. ......................................

For full instructions please see : www.forkandbeans.com


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