

Remember the other day when I was like, “Look out for me melting some stuff and throwing some other stuff on it and calling it a recipe!”? Well, that fantastic description is of this: UNICORN BARK. It’s pastel and covered with sprinkles. How you are not already making this, I have no idea.

Andrew is has been in SLC for work the past couple of days, and whenever he leaves, the puppers get a little crazy and pouty. Well, MORE crazy and pouty. The first night Andrew was gone, Sherman was sound asleep on the couch and the next thing I knew, I had a full on Shermy cuddle explosion happening. He wanted to hug me, and give me kisses, and wanted to snuggle. It was like he woke up and was like, “OMG I HAVE TO CUDDLE SOMEONE RIGHT NOW!!!” That’s what this is like, a cuddle explosion. From a unicorn. A unicorn cuddle explosion. That is a WAY better description. The other day I should have said, “Look out for later this week when I post a recipe for a UNICORN CUDDLE SPRINKLE EXPLOSION!” because I know that’s why you all come here… for the explosions


  • 1 bag bright white candy melts
  • Gel food coloring (I used electric pink, electric blue, and electric purple)


  • Okay, here is the deal with sprinkles. They are what makes this bark awesome. I searched in all sorts of different grocery stores and baking supply stores and could not find any sprinkles that were awesome enough. So where does one turn when they can’t find the awesome thing they have in their head in a store? Etsy. Duh. That’s where I stumbled across Sweetapolita. Then I ordered #allthesprinkles. Not even joking. I used the Jersey Shore Medley!


  1. Line baking tray with parchment.
  2. Put candy melts in bowl and melt according to package directions.
  3. Divide melted candy melts between four bowls.
  4. Add your food coloring choices to each bowl, one drop at a time! I also left one bowl white.
  5. Blob onto parchment.
  6. Drag butter knife or wood skewer in different directions to swirl colors together.
  7. Cover bark with sprinkles. A lot of sprinkles. More sprinkles.
  8. Lightly press sprinkles into the bark with your fingers to make sure they stick.
  9. .........................................

For full instructions please see : peonyandink.com


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