
Peach Moscato Wine Slushies

Wheeeew I’z tiiiiiiide! Not tired but tiiiiide! We got back from visiting the in-laws several days ago and I’m just now getting caught up on sleep, homeschool, cleaning, and all that jazz. Going on a “vacation” is definitely a chore with a super curious and freakishly mobile baby. My little Ethan doesn’t sleep good at all when he’s not in his own bed and I spent most of the time either A.) holding him since he’s cranky and clingy from lack of sleep or B.) chasing him around to make sure he isn’t eating something he shouldn’t  or tearing something apart. Exhausting!!

peach moscato wine slushies recipes homemade

Baca Juga

I’m so looking forward to the days when a vacation will actually feel like a vacation (although I’m not rushing these precious baby years) When I got home I decided to give myself a little vacation from my vacation by kicking back with these frosty peach moscato wine slushies. It was heaven I tell ya and MUCH needed. Aren’t they gorg!?!


  • 1 bottle Moscato Wine (750ml) (I used Barefoot brand) plus more for blending *see note
  • 2 cups frozen peaches (unsweetened)
  • ½ cup powdered sugar (can cut back but it needs to be pretty sweet)


  1. Add frozen peaches, sugar and a few splashes of moscato to food processor or blender.
  2. Blend until completely smooth.
  3. Pour in the rest of the moscato and blend until incorporated.
  4. Quickly pour mixture into ice cube trays. (stir if peaches begin to settle on the bottom of blender jar)
  5. Freeze.
  6. Place frozen cubes in a blender. ( I never measure them out. I just toss a handful in and add more if I need it)
  7. Add a splash of wine to make blending easier.
  8. Blend until slush consistency, adding a splash of wine to thin it out if needed.
  9. .................................

For full instructions please see : divascancook.com

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