
Strawberry and Chocolate Meringue

So BritMums Live 2014, the UK’s biggest social media and bloggers conference has come and gone.  I originally had no intention of going but I was lucky enough to be one of the 6 finalists in the BiBs awards and decided to treat myself to a couple of days of ‘me’ time in London.  Sadly I didn’t go on to win the award but Lucy of Supergolden Bakes was a very well deserved winner.  If you haven’t already come across her blog then go and have a look – it’s gorgeous.  Thanks again to everybody who took the time to vote more me.  It was a very special experience.

The event itself was full of positive energy and was packed with energetic and passionate speakers, leaving me feeling completely reenergised about my blog and about life in general.  I love blogging but the one area I find the most difficult is building my social media presence.  I am just not  comfortable with the whole numbers game and find it hard to chase followers purely for the purpose of stats.  It was therefore such a delight to listen to the lovely Jaume Marin from the Costa Brava Tourism talk about building relationships between their brand and travel bloggers.  As a brand they believe not in the number of followers that you have but more in how you interact with your followers.  This just makes perfect sense to me and I applaud their passion and common sense attitude to working and promoting their brand as well as the bloggers they work with.  I left that session wishing I was a travel blogger 🙂


3 egg whites (at room temperature)
175g caster sugar
1 tsp white wine vinegar
1 tsp cornflour
150g dark chocolate
450ml double cream
2 tblsp icing sugar
350g fresh strawberries


  1. Preheat your oven to 140°C (275°F) (Gas Mark 1).
  2. Line 2 baking trays with baking paper. Draw 3 rectangles, 10 x 25cm on the baking paper. You can just fit two rectangles on the one baking tray.
  3. Whisk the egg whites until the soft peak stage.
  4. Add the caster sugar (I add mine all at once) and continue to whisk until the mixture is stiff and glossy.
  5. Add the vinegar and cornflour and whisk for a couple more minutes. The mixture should be able to hold its shape if the bowl is turned upside down.
  6. ..................

Read more please visit : mygoldenpear.com

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