
Salted Honey Pie

I've been obsessing over this pie for what feels like ages.  It has been in a desktop folder before I even knew what a Pinterest board was...you know, the dark ages.

Anytime a recipe crosses my path with the word "Honey" in it, I immediately take pause.  It isn't too often that honey is a prominent ingredient, prominent enough that you can distinguish its flavor.  And this pie isn't messing around when it comes to the honey.

We're not talking just a couple tablespoons here, but a full 3/4 cup!  So I hope you have plenty of honey on hand.  This pie is really very simple, but you may find the only ingredient you don't have is white cornmeal, perhaps the vanilla paste too.  At least go gather the cornmeal, you can find it at any grocer (I assume) more easily than vanilla paste, then make this goodness and put it in your mouth!  Because this pie is the Bee's Knees!

Pie Crust

  • -Your own recipe or a pre-made shell (chilled)


  • -1/2 c. unsalted butter, melted
  • -3/4 c. granulated sugar
  • -2 Tbsp. white cornmeal
  • -1/4 tsp. fine sea salt
  • -3/4 c. honey
  • -2 tsp. white vinegar
  • -1 tsp. vanilla bean paste
  • -3 eggs
  • -1/2 c. heavy cream

-course sea salt for sprinkling finished pie

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Move rack to the bottom portion of the oven.
  • In a large bowl, combine melted butter, sugar, salt, and cornmeal by hand or hand mixer until it is a thick, paste like consistency.  Mix in the honey, vanilla, and vinegar until combined.
  • In a small bowl, lightly whisk up the three eggs.  Add the eggs and heavy cream to your honey filling.  Fold until all the ingredients are incorporated.  Pour into your chilled 9"pie shell.  Line your pie crust with aluminum foil or your special pie shields.
  • Bake on lower rack for 40 minutes.  Move to middle rack and remove pie shields from crust.  Bake an additional 20 minutes.  The filling will really, really puff up and will be slightly wobbly in the middle when you go to remove it.
  • Read more please visit : www.cookiecrazedmama.com

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