
Air Fryer French Toast Soldiers

I remember growing up and breakfast on a weekend would always be the same. Eggs and soldiers. You would have loads of soldiers and 2 delicious soft boiled eggs to go with them. They were delicious and because of the egg element and the carbs kick it would leave you full for hours and hours.

Even though this is not everyone’s cup of tea the combination of eggs and bread for breakfast has always been a perfect one.

During our summer holiday in Spain there was a serious lack of breakfast options for us all to tuck into but he could always rely on the toast machine along with the fried eggs to order. Like most blokes he is not alone with his love for fried eggs on toast. Though unlike his fatty days at least it is not part of a huge fry up compared to how it was in the old days.

But our friends across in France have a great alternative to eggs on toast and that is their delicious French Toast or eggy bread as my fellow Brits would call it.

Philips Airfryer

  • 4 Slices Wholemeal Bread
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • ¼ Cup Whole Milk
  • ¼ Cup Brown Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Honey
  • 1 Tsp Cinnamon
  • Pinch Of Nutmeg
  • Pinch Of Icing Sugar


  • Chop up your slices of bread into soldiers. Each slice should make 4 soldiers.
  • Place the rest of your ingredients (apart from the icing sugar) into a mixing bowl and mix well.
  • Dip each soldier into the mixture so that it is well coated and then place it into the Air Fryer. When you’re done you will have 16 soldiers and then should all be nice and wet from the mixture.
  • Read more please visit : www.recipethis.com

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