
Homemade Black Berry Butter

I’m a sucker for a good gift – both in receiving one and giving one. The sheer thrill of seeing a person’s face when receiving something you know they’re going to love puts a giant smile on my face, and on the opposite end, I never feel more excited or special than when I receive a gift I adore. This doesn’t mean the gift has to be fancy or expensive (although husband if you’re reading this I would LOVE a certain bag or fancy pair of shoes for my next birthday 😉 ), something as simple as a well thought out card can brighten my day.

The one gift I especially love to give (and receive) is of the DIY kind, and typically involves food of some sort – go figure.

Around Christmastime is when you see the most gifts in edible form; it’s been a tradition in my family to gift an assortment of handmade cookies around the holidays to all of our friends and family. My Mom and me spend days baking up hundreds of cookies to package up prettily; it’s a daunting task, but totally worth it to see how excited the recipients are when they receive the variety of cookies we’ve prepared.

Of course as we’re giving out edible gifts, we’re also receiving them as well, and my favorite of all the edible gifts my family receives is by far my Mom’s friend Grace’s strawberry bread and strawberry butter. While I of course don’t live at home with my parents anymore, I make it a point to steal a few slices of it and a couple pats of the butter for myself. This year she made it even easier for me to steal by packaging them up into adorable individual portions; the bread disappeared in a matter of days, but I rationed out the butter for the last three months and just ran out a few days ago.


  • 2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
  • 4 tablespoons honey
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
  • pinch of kosher salt
  • 4 ounces blackberries


  1. In the bottom of a stand mixer, add softened butter.
  2. Whip butter on a medium high speed. Add honey, cinnamon and salt. Whip until combined.
  3. Turn the mixer down to low and add black berries. Mix until blackberries are almost completely broken down, but still have a little bit of texture to them. The butter should be vibrant purple.
  4. ................................

For full instruction please see : www.cookingforkeeps.com

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